Saturday 7 January 2012

Not sure what to call this Blogg, but here it is.....

I should be nearly packed and ready to go...but procrastinated all day...all week, with excuse of work, Managers Meetings, Caitlin in Town, babyshowers, work, and family coming over and playing because it was a snowy day today....
Some times its hard to let go or say good-bye, or see you later. But that's okay because that is life, filled with hello's and good-byes. I always hope I leave a good  thought and impression behind when I leave...and when I say hello that will be the first time you meet and you hope it will be a  good first  and a lasting impression..because soon, On Monday, I will be saying hello....
  I remember leaving for College...and saying good-bye to my friends who were left behind and all the pages of letters I wrote the first few months of moving to Prince George. I remember the stories of how after packing up my room for College, my brothers  Martin and Ernie ditched classes to finish cleaning out my room and moving Martin into my bedroom...and how crushed I felt....with leaving, there are changes....esp. when you come back...

So, with my distraction, and my procrastiations, I am nearly packed and ready to go....Checking the lists 2x ....writing up my "to do" lists and reviewing the Weather Channel....

 It was hard saying Good-bye, see you soon,  at work...we hugged , we cried, we laughed...and we move on....but leaving this behind even for a short time is hard....So different when you go on a course, workshop, come back in 10 days, 3 to 4 weeks...but this is different....I do not like saying Good -bye that was something Don never said, or even his Grandpa and Grandma Toop, they said 'See you soon" Good-bye is can you say Good-bye to this... So, I will say to you all...."SEE YOU SOON"  and yes in the morning I leave, I am ready....for a Journey, an adventure....and I will be back....I will see  you soon......

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