Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Christmas Star:
 As long as I can remember we have always had these  amazing little stars on our Christmas tree....My friends didn't though, and I always thought that OUR Christmas Tree was the most beautiful Tree in Town. Mom and dad would be sitting in the livingroom with these little strips of paper, folding stars, and they sometimes would have these contests to see how many they could make. I think if I dig in mom and dad's box of stars, some are at least, hmmmmm? How old am I? How long have mom and dad been married? Yes, that long ago the first stars..and some even have a bit of wax on them from candles dripping from thier Advent Wreath.
Dad says that his mom, our Oma taught them how to fold these amazing stars. And I clearly remember when I could fold these stars with out any coaching from mom or dad. Traditions handed down from one generation to another. Well......
These amazing stars also got me a detention at school. I was in grade 5, and I was showing my friends how to fold these stars using newspaper..and was suppose to be doing Math??And so I had to do lines.....and lots of lines...and had to memorize a verse from the Bible...I think you may know the verse...I won't quote.....but with the season, you have an idea...
these little stars were part of fundraisers, and gifts. I wonder how many mom and dad gave away to the residents of Greenwood, BC.
And how many I made and gave way here in Prince George? These stars  have helped me when times were sad and blue, like the time I lost our son, I was 7 months pregnant and I went into labour early...and so Don brought me my strips of paper and I sat at the nurses station giving Star making lessons...
My first Christmas here in PG, I went to Speedee printers, bought paper and they cut these strips...they were very confused and so I Quickly made them a star...
My children, can make these stars now too....and teaching their friends, and tonight I held my grandson and granddaughter, looking, touching their hands and fingers, and thinking that in a few years, the Star making tradition will be passed on to another Generation.

(Top picture,Julie's Christmas tree, )
(picture to the left, is mom and dad's last Christmas tree in Greenwood, the tree use to be 9 to 10 ft. tall...yes amazing !)

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